I have really enjoyed digging into the new album from Californias’ Scott Warren. Quick Fix Bandage (Jungular Music), is one of those great singer/songwriter albums that deftly tosses folk, rock, country and pop into a wholly satisfying creation. Warren’s vocals contain a gentle rasp that seems to help the fusion of different styles, much in the same way that Matt Keating succeeded with his latest album, Quixotic. The key difference with Bandage, as it compares to other more straight-forward folk-rock albums, would be the addition of country staples such as dobro, mandolin and pedal steel. “Sign on the Dotted Line” stomps the dust off the front porch with the rootsy tones of harmonica and mandolin peppering the mix.
Songs that display more of a rock sensibility make their presence felt on the record as well. “Speed of Sound” is a solid rock number and effectively shakes off the meandering that many folk-rockers like to wallow in. “Same Old Scene” displays Warren’s ease at slowing things down and adding calm to the proceedings without being a complete buzz-kill. Closing out the album, a cover of “Sister Golden Hair”, proves that great songs from the 70’s are still great, even when stripped of their polish and overly-slick sheen of production.
While singer/songwriters that look to tackle the softer sounds of rock, embrace the intimacy of folk and dance softly in the country sunshine are not exactly rare birds, it is all the more refreshing when one of those common creatures produces something that easily breaks away from their all-too crowded coffee house.
Go to Scott Warren’s website to download a sampler from the new disc. (scroll to bottom left)